Equity Building Ideas
Your home equity is important whether you plan to sell soon or years from now. Staying ahead of trends by making continuous improvements is the best way to maximize your investment.
Unexpected financial windfalls or the need for a specific repair project might usually jumpstart the improvement process, but by proactively planning for updates, any homeowner can maintain their home's value. understanding current market trends is crucial to selling your home at it's full potential later on down the road.
For example, in recent years, features such as outdoor kitchens, great room configurations, and home offices have become more popular among homebuyers. More timeless desires include more square footage, chef’s kitchens, and spacious bathrooms.
In addition to developing a fund, build a road map for upgrades and enhancements. Consider the life span of major systems, such as the roof or HVAC systems; is end-of-life a good time to switch to solar energy? Kitchen styles change dramatically every 10 years on average. Start saving for a kitchen style change on the same schedule.
You may not plan to sell your home for years, but things change. By continuously planning for updates, you can avoid the financial hit that comes with an outdated home. Now is the time to plan for regular updates to build equity, and you’ll enjoy the benefits of the changes too!